Impact of Photography

Photography is a very big deal in our present world. There are a lot of photos that make big impacts on everyone, and not everyone realizes the importance of it. There have even been movies made about impacts of photos. It affects everyone in many big ways. One movie made about the impact photography has on our world is “Flags of Our Fathers”. This movie does a great job of showing how big of a difference one photo can make to so many people.

I think this movie is a great representation of what photography does to our world. When a photo was taken of the soldiers putting up a flag, it gave the America hope. Everyone in the country had seen this picture and was given hope that we were winning the war. I think it was a good movie. It was hard to pay attention to, but even when I missed parts I still got the idea of it. It also showed some really good representations of the effects on soldiers from seeing their friends die and having to kill other people. It showed a good example of the guilt they feel when they have to go through such an awful thing as war. I also liked how it showed how much drama one photo can cause amongst people who all have the same fears.

This photograph greatly affected the world in many ways. It gave America hope that we were finally winning and would be able to come out of the war alive. When the rest of the world saw it, they were probably more worried and upset that now America has just won another battle. Their allies were probably quite excited for them though when they found out about it. Within America though, there was a lot of conflict caused by it. It was a huge deal to find out who was in the picture and what really happened. When they found out it wasn’t the original flag raising, it caused a lot more drama. The people in the photo were even seen as heroes to the country, even though there were thousands of other men who had served and fought just as hard for the same reason.

Photographs in general can impact the world really heavily. The photo of the flag raising in “Flags of our Fathers” is not the only photo that has greatly impacted the world. There are many ways photography impacts us. There have been photos to show the suffering of animals in parts of the world, the suffering of poor and homeless around the world, the impact of the Great Depression, the moon landing, and so much more. All of these photos take people to action and make them want to do something. Whether it be help those in need, donate money, try to make their own history for others to remember, or take action to make something happen and bring people together.

Photography has changed the world in huge ways. The ways that certain photos affect places all over the world will be remembered forever. There are so many good things that can be done with photography. When everyone works toward one good cause as a group, big things can be done. This can be done when people look for what needs to be done in the world. When we see something that needs to be fixed or done better, we can call others to help when we really show them the way it is when you’re there. Photography is one of the best ways to show others what it’s like to be somewhere you’re not.

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